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Writer's pictureJustin Sibbet

Controversy Arises as UCP and NDP Candidates Cast Ballots

Photo by Justin Sibbet.

Concerns over election ethics were abuzz, as all four Lethbridge UCP and NDP candidates cast their ballots on the first day of early voting.

Following a press event at their campaign office, the two NDP candidates, Shannon Phillips and Rob Miyashiro, made their way to the Southern Alberta Ethnic Association to cast their ballots. Meanwhile, both UCP candidates, Cheryl Seaborn and Nathan Neudorf, were already present at the polling station, having just voted themselves.

The UCP candidates answered media questions about the principles of early voting, although this did not sit well with Phillips, who accused her counterparts of breaking the law.

“It is not legal to be campaigning in front of a voting place,” said Phillips as she walked past the UCP candidates and entered the polling station.

However, Neudorf says the interview, which was instigated by media representatives, never broke any laws.

“We did make it very clear that there was no policy discussion. We were just talking about voting,” said Neudorf in a separate interview on Tuesday.

Furthermore, he says the NDP’s idea of creating a photo op inside of the polling station was a concern in and of itself.

“Candidates can’t influence voters, which is why you can’t do certain things at election stations,” said Neudorf. “Including [photos] inside, for secrecy and privacy.”

Neudorf did add that you can get advanced approval from the elections office to have photos take place inside of the location.

“You have to make an advanced application for that and get advanced approval,” said Neudorf.

The elections office did confirm the NDP had proper approval for the media event inside of the station. Even so, at least one individual did not wish to be photographed and was subsequently asked to step outside for a few minutes by elections staff. The individual brought up no issue, stepping away from the cameras without complaint.

Aside from the controversial events, all four candidates shared in their mutual support of advanced voting.

“We just want everybody to have the opportunity, so advance polls give people who might be working on election day more options,” said Neudorf while being interviewed at the polling station alongside Seaborn.

This sentiment was echoed from Phillips, as she says the flexibility of early voting can help increase turnout.

“If you live in Lethbridge-East and happen to work in Lethbridge-West, you can vote at one of the Lethbridge-West advance poll stations,” said Phillips during the NDP press event earlier in the day.

She says this is good news for those who may struggle to find the time to vote on election day.

“That makes it a heck of a lot easier for people with busy lives,” said Phillips.

Seaborn also wanted to bring some positivity, saying the idea of people exercising their right to vote is great.

“To see people getting out to vote, well it puts a smile on my face,” said Seaborn. “The more people who get out to vote, the better it is.”

However, all candidates must still campaign against one another, so Phillips took another opportunity to nail home the NDP message of trusting in their leader.

“Ultimately, this election comes down to leadership and trust,” said Phillips during the NDP press event. “We know that, under Rachel Notley’s leadership, we can trust her to build a better future for Alberta.”

Furthermore, she says the NDP is building steam every new election, garnering more support and enthusiasm.

“Every single NDP campaign that I have run here in Lethbridge has gotten bigger and better,” she said. “This is my fourth campaign and all of our campaigns run on the same principles, which is people power.”

She says this campaign is no different, having become the largest in Lethbridge NDP history.

“I would argue that it is the single biggest campaign we’ve ever seen in Lethbridge, for the sheer number of volunteers, the sheer number of voters contacted, private property sign locations,” said Phillips.

Miyashiro doubled down by saying the NDP is the best option for a multitude of reasons.

“Today, we’re going to the polls for better healthcare in Lethbridge, to make life more affordable for families, for seniors, well, everyone,” said Miyashiro.

Early voting is open from today through Saturday, with the election officially taking place on Monday next week.

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